When is the deadline for submission?
Feb 28, 2025
Where do I upload the video?
NOTE: Upload the finished video here: https://forms.gle/ZJ7mwjt4gFYC4pae8
What format or file extension do you accept?
The video, which should be 60-90 seconds at most, can be submitted in .mov, .mp4 or .avi.
Can my video be in a language other than English?
You're more than welcome to include any language in your video. We ask that you provide English subtitles for our judges.
Do my parents know anything about this project?
All students under 18 years old need to obtain and attach their parents' signed consent and waiver when submitting. Click here to download the form!
Do I have to have a teacher sponsor?
Yes. You and your team need to have a teacher from your school as a sponsor. Your sponsor will be contacted if you are one of the ten finalists!
Can I be on multiple teams and submissions?
No. Each student can only be on one team.
My favorite teacher is already a sponsor. Can they also sponsor my video?
Yes, a teacher can sponsor multiple teams.
How do I know if something is copyrighted?
You may refer to YouTube's copyright standards YouTube Copyright Rules & Policies - How YouTube Works
I have more questions: who can I contact?
You may ask questions at ntxcybersafe@region10.org
Do you have examples of what you're looking for?
Here are past examples from last year's contest: Region 10 Youtube Page
How will the videos be judged?
Check out this rubric.
Where can I go if I am a victim or to report a crime?
Check out our "Are You a Victim" tab!